Preprints 2016
- Nr. 29 Iterative methods for photoacoustic tomography with variable sound speed
M. Haltmeier, L. V. Nguyen
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- Nr. 28 A machine learning framework for customer purchase prediction in the non-contractual setting
A. Martínez, C. Schmuck, S. Pereverzyev Jr., C. Pirker, M. Haltmeier
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- Nr. 27 Inversion of the attenuated V-line transform for SPECT with Compton cameras
M. Haltmeier, S. Moon, D. Schiefeneder
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- Nr. 26 Analytic inversion of a conical Radon transform arising in application of Compton cameras on the cylinder
S. Moon, M. Haltmeier
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- Nr. 25 The Radon Transform over cones with vertices on the sphere and orthogonal axes
D. Schiefeneder, M. Haltmeier
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- Nr. 24 Compressed sensing and sparsity in photoacoustic tomography
M. Haltmeier, T. Berer, S. Moon and P. Burgholzer
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- Nr. 23 Convergence radius and sample complexity of ITKM algorithms for dictionary learning
K. Schnass
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- Nr. 22 Nyström type subsampling analyzed as a regularized projection
G. Kriukova, S. Pereverzyev Jr., P. Tkachenko
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