Preprints 2013
- Nr. 9 Graphical Lasso Granger Method with 2-levels-thresholding for recovering causality networks
S. Pereverzyve Jr., K. Hlavackova-Schindler
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- Nr. 8 Exact reconstruction formulas for a Radon transform over cones
M. Haltmeier
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- Nr. 7 Time reversal for photoacoustic tomography based on the wave equation of Neuman, Smith and Waag
R. Kowar
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- Nr. 6 On time reversal in photoacoustic tomography for tissue similar to water
R. Kowar
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- Nr. 5 Aggregated motion estimation for image reconstruction in real-time MRI
H. Li, M. Haltmeier, S. Zhang, J. Frahm and A. Munk
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- Nr. 4 Extreme value analysis of empirical frame coefficients and implications for densoring by soft-thresholding
M. Haltmeier, A. Munk
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- Nr. 3 Universal inversion formulas for recovering a function from spherical means
M. Haltmeier
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- Nr. 2 Inversion of circular means and the wave equation on convex planar domains
M. Haltmeier
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- Nr.1 Stable signal reconstruction via l1-minimization in redundant, non-tight frames
M. Haltmeier
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