Preprints 2015
- Nr. 21 Sampling conditions for the circular Radon Transform
M. Haltmeier
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- Nr. 20 A parameter choice strategy for the inversion of multiple observations
C. Gerhards, S. Pereverzyev Jr., P. Tkachenko
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- Nr. 19 Single-stage reconstruction algorithm for quantitative photoacoustic tomography
M. Haltmeier, L. Neumann, S. Rabanser
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- Nr. 18 Aggregation of regularized solutions from multiple observation modules
J. Chen, S. Pereverzev Jr., Y. Xu
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- Nr. 17 The spherical Radon transform with centers on cylindrical surfaces
M. Haltmeier, S. Moon
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- Nr. 16 A novel compressed sensing scheme for photoacoustic tomography
M. Sandbichler, F. Krahmer, T. Berer, P. Burgholzer, M. Haltmeier
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